The notion of energy storage is perhaps the most important one connected to the energy transition. Even though it is not a generating technology in and of itself, storage makes it possible for many generation methods to function together. This opens up a wide variety of new doors for the renewable energy industry.
Storage will play a crucial role in making power production more flexible, facilitating the integration of renewables, and assuring the stability of the energy system in areas where solar or wind power is not available. Creating, transmitting, and changing electrical power may all be accomplished in a reasonable amount of time, but storing it in significant numbers remains a technical challenge and an expensive endeavour.
The most recent projections indicate that cumulative energy storage installations throughout the globe will reach 358 GW/1,028 GWh by the end of 2030. This figure is more than twenty times higher than the 17 GW/34 GWh online capacity that will be achieved by the end of 2020.
Having energy storage technologies in place is critical for the following five reasons:
- Availability of energy at any time. A unified energy storage system can ensure electricity supply and assist the power grid in particular “black-out” situations. Storage can offer backup power during power outages or disruptions, allowing for improved power generation-to-consumption matching. Furthermore, owing to the difference between off-peak and peak hours, generating energy in various time slots might help to price stability in the electrical market.
- More energy savings. One potential answer to the primary difficulties of energy management and distribution is to implement hybrid systems and BESS (Battery Energy Storage System) storage plants. Renewable energy surpluses may be stored during off-peak hours (periods of the day with low energy demand) to provide the grid with the energy it requires. Thus, when demand varies quickly and flexibility is necessary, energy storage may inject or store energy while collaborating with the grid’s current demands.
- Greater sustainability of renewables. Producing clean energy is not enough; it must to be done in a manner that minimizes the impact on the environment. The development of new renewable energy parks and plants that can meet the fluctuating needs of their surroundings is made easier by the availability of energy storage. The Global Battery Alliance estimates that the use of batteries may reduce CO2 emissions from transportation and energy use by 30%. About 40% of the world’s current emissions of greenhouse gases come from just these two industries. Let’s not forget that the European Union’s goal of extending the usable life of batteries and making them as sustainable a technology as feasible stands out among the issues confronting global energy storage.
- Key support for the energy transition. Using batteries or other technologies to store energy is a key part of the 2030 strategy to reduce reliance on fossil fuels. The roadmap for the next decade to accomplish the Paris Agreement’s goals will depend on this technology, which boosts solar and wind energy efficiency. Batteries will be a major axis for decarbonization in Europe as they become more viable. According to the Batteries Europe 2020 study, storage is predicted to produce three to four million new employments. Batteries are viewed as a short-term key to decarbonizing road transport and supporting the energy transition. This technology is the core of a renewable energy system that can regulate global emissions to meet the Paris Agreement’s 2°C objective.
- Generator of future opportunities. Renewable energy parks and plants are more efficient and secure when they use this technology. Energy storage will become an essential part of future electrical networks, and it will provide value to every link in the electricity supply chain. Developing green hydrogen, improving battery capacity, lowering storage system costs, and using a design-to-recycle strategy are just a few of the many issues that need to be addressed in the energy storage industry in the future. This technology is expected to play an important role in the worldwide transition to a more sustainable energy system, since it is included in the energy strategies of all nations.
Much current research is focused nowadays on discovering methods to cheaply store renewable energy by transforming current energy into various forms that may be released as required. The more one relies on renewable energy, the more important it is to develop high-volume storage to compensate for supply fluctuations. So, as you see, energy storage definitely seems to be the key to a future led by renewable energy.
But what if there was no need for storing energy?
If there was no need for storing renewable energy, there would be no reason to rely on battery technology, which is both expensive and inefficient. The technology behind batteries is advancing at a rapid rate, and there may come a day in the annals of human history when storing a limitless amount of electricity would seem to be child’s play. In the meanwhile, a discovery made in 2015 pushes humanity in the direction of a future in which it will no longer be necessary to consume fossil fuels. Despite the fact that the finding that neutrinos have mass was discovered a couple of years ago by scientists in Japan and Canada at the same time, the landscape of energy research has already been transformed. We are in need of the appropriate technology in order for us to be able to harness the power of the billions of ethereal particles that impact our globe each and every day.
In spite of the fact that it may seem like something out of a science fiction novel, the technology necessary to gather the kinetic energy in the form of traveling neutrinos and other forms of non-visible radiation and convert it to electricity has already been developed. The feasibility of the idea has been shown in controlled laboratory conditions; the only remaining challenge is to develop neutrinovoltaic technology that is suitable for widespread use. There is no need to store the energy that is created as a result of the ongoing stream of neutrinos since the bombardment of Earth by neutrinos never stops. While the amount of electrical energy acquired from neutrinos and other non-visible radiations remains small, neutrinovoltaic technology is growing in power at the same pace as electronic devices, mobile phones, and even large machinery are getting more energy-efficient.
Neutrinovoltaic the key point in the energy transition
Even on a small scale, neutrinovoltaic technology has the potential to relieve the burden of storage-dependent renewable energy sources. In the case of a renewable power grid, even if neutrino energy only meets 10% of total energy needs, it still implies that 10% of that system’s electricity will not need to be stored in batteries.
The basic beauty of neutrinovoltaic technology is decentralization. While fossil-fuel-generated electricity can only be generated in urban areas, and most homes lack solar panels or wind farms, neutrinovoltaic devices are small enough to be put directly into mobile phones, appliances, cars, and other energy-consuming equipment. There is no need to waste electricity by sending it across town using neutrino energy.
Neutrino energy can be generated continually even when the sun is not shining and the wind is not blowing. Because neutrinos pass through almost any artificial or natural substance with low resistance, neutrinovoltaic devices may be deployed inside, outdoors, and even underwater, making them very adaptable. Neutrinos continue to travel to Earth regardless of climate, making neutrinovoltaic technology humanity’s first totally sustainable energy breakthrough.
Neutrino Energy Group, which was formed by Holger Thorsten Schubart, a pioneering mathematician and energy scientist, has put itself at the forefront of the creation of tomorrow’s clean energy solutions. The Neutrino Energy Group was founded by Holger Thorsten Schubart. It started out as a partnership between firms in the United States and Germany, but it has since expanded into a much bigger organization that now comprises participants from all around the globe, including both businesses and scientists. This extraordinary partnership has crossed national borders in its pursuit of energy solutions for the benefit of all people on earth.
It was previously inconceivable, but today, thanks to the work of the Neutrino Energy Group, mankind has a solution to the current energy problem that has been expected for a very long time and can be relied upon. Neutrinovoltaics is the technology of the future, and the Neutrino Energy Group is living up to its obligations in the here and now.
Autor: Dr Holden Smith