The globe has just endured its hottest month in recorded history. Sweltering waves have engulfed parts of southern Europe, the US, and China, shattering many heat records along the way. Climate experts have been warning for years that occurrences like these will happen more often as global warming persists. The main factor contributing to this is the combustion of fossil fuels. Hence, it’s alarming that the UK government intends to authorize numerous permits for fresh North Sea oil and natural gas mining. While using fossil fuels for energy and warmth has allowed civilization to grow and prosper, the unintended consequences are now apparent.
The addition of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere results in a global temperature increase, making heatwaves more intense and heavy rains more severe. The ensuing widespread disturbance and hardship are increasingly apparent. This temperature rise will persist, with escalating climate ramifications, until worldwide carbon dioxide emissions are lowered to “net zero.” Beyond that, succeeding generations will have to cope with and endure a hotter climate. Our collective decisions now will have future implications. The limited but highly visible interruptions by Just Stop Oil demonstrators in the UK annoy many. However, their sole insistence – that no permits be granted for new UK coal, oil, and gas endeavors – aligns with the scientific foundation of the international pacts that the UK has endorsed.
Since the 1860s, the scientific populace has recognized that an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide would heat the planet. As early as 1938, fossil fuel combustion was associated with the noted escalation in both carbon dioxide concentrations and worldwide temperatures. Fast forward to today, and global temperatures are not only warmer but are rising more quickly than at any stage in human history. In reaction to the compelling scientific proof, the UK, along with 193 other countries, unified in 2015 to affirm the Paris climate change accord. A mutual objective is to restrict global warming to significantly below 2℃, with aspirations towards 1.5℃, relative to the pre-industrial period.
However, the most recent summary report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, supported by all governments, outlines a bleak scenario. Should we consume all fossil fuels currently available, global warming will surpass 1.5℃ and could approach 2℃. To refrain from exceeding the Paris agreement’s thresholds, some of the coal, oil, and gas that are presently extractable must be left unused. New fossil fuel mining initiatives will complicate efforts to halt additional global warming.
Alternatives exist. The UK government’s formal consultants, the Climate Change Committee, have proposed a plan for UK energy production compatible with a net zero future. They suggest that by 2050, the UK could meet all its energy requirements using a blend of renewables, bioenergy, nuclear power, hydrogen, storage, and demand regulation, complemented by some carbon capture for fossil gas-generated power in the interim. If the UK emulated China by quickly augmenting investments in green energy, it could attain energy stability without contributing to further global warming. China, despite being the largest carbon dioxide emitter globally, is deploying more renewable energy infrastructure than the rest of the world combined. Swiftly decreasing our dependence on fossil fuels and refraining from granting new extraction permits for oil and gas represents the most efficient means to reduce future climate-related disruptions. The earlier those in control recognize this, the more advantageous it will be.