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As a result of Russia’s reduced gas output, Europe might switch back to coal


On Monday, the largest European consumers of Russian gas were frantically searching for alternative fuel sources and even contemplating increasing their coal consumption to compensate for reduced gas flows from Russia, which jeopardize an energy crisis during the winter months if businesses are not replenished.

The crisis and sky-high gas prices are adding to the burden that policymakers are already carrying as they worry about rising inflation and a worse economic outlook. Eni, an Italian energy company, announced that it had been warned by Gazprom, a Russian gas company, that it would get only a portion of its request for gas supplies on Monday. This has brought Italy closer to announcing a state of alert, which will result in steps to reduce gas use.

Germany, which has also been affected by lower supplies from Russia, revealed on Sunday its most recent plan to increase the amount of gas stored and stated that it may be able to restart coal-fired power facilities that it had previously intended to phase out.

Green Party member and Economy Minister Robert Habeck, who has called for a quicker transition away from coal (which contributes more to greenhouse gas emissions), said, “It is challenging, but lowering gas usage is an urgent requirement in the current environment.” It is crucial to cut back on gas use, as Habeck pointed out.

“On the other hand, if we choose not to do it, there is a possibility that the storage facilities will not be sufficiently stocked when we get closer to the end of the year and the beginning of the winter season. And then, on a political level, we are susceptible to being blackmailed, “he remarked.

Russia reaffirmed on Monday that Europe only had itself to blame for the gas issue after the West implemented sanctions in reaction to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, a gas transit route to Europe and a major wheat supplier. The Dutch front-month gas contract, the European benchmark, was trading around 124 euros ($130) on Monday, down from this year’s high of 335 euros but still up by more than 300 percent from its level a year ago, before prices began to skyrocket.

In an interview, Markus Krebber, CEO of Germany’s largest power provider RWE, said that it could take three to five years for electricity prices to return to more affordable levels. On Monday, Russian gas flows to Germany through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline, the primary conduit fueling Europe’s largest economy, were still operating at approximately 40 percent of capacity, although having increased since the beginning of the week.

Ukraine, an additional transit route for Russian gas, stated that its pipelines may help fill any supply gap caused by Nord Stream 1. Moscow has previously stated that it is unable to put extra gas via pipelines that Ukraine has not yet shut down.

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Eni and German utility Uniper both reported receiving less Russian gas than contracted, as Europe’s gas inventories continue to rise albeit more slowly. On Monday, they were approximately 54 percent full compared to the European Union’s aim of 80 percent by October and 90 percent by November. In the event that gas supplies become critically low, the German economy ministry has suggested that restarting coal-fired power facilities might add up to 10 GW of capacity. On July 8, a bill relating to the relocation is presented to the upper house of parliament.

Recent German attempts include a switch back to coal and the implementation of an auction mechanism to reduce industrial gas use, as well as financial support for Germany’s gas market regulator from state lender KfW to increase gas storage volumes more quickly. On Sunday, the Austrian government reached an agreement with utility Verbund to convert a gas-fired power plant to coal use in the event of a gas shortage-related energy emergency.

Germany and Italy are among the most reliant on Russian gas, but other European nations have also experienced gas supply difficulties as consumption has surged to an unseasonably high level due to the increased usage of air conditioning during a heatwave. Gazprom reduced capacity along Nord Stream 1, a major pipeline feeding Germany and others, last week, citing the delayed return of equipment being fixed by Siemens Energy in Canada.

“We have gas, it is ready to be delivered, but the Europeans must return the equipment, which they are obligated to fix,” Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said on Monday, adding that EU sanctions have damaged the infrastructure. Officials from Germany and Italy have stated that Russia is using this as an excuse to reduce shipments. Italy’s technical committee for gas is scheduled to convene on Tuesday. If Russia continues to restrict supplies, Italy may announce a heightened gas alert this week.

The action would trigger measures to cut usage, such as limiting gas for certain industrial customers, increasing coal-fired power plant output, and requesting additional gas imports from other suppliers under existing contracts.

Clearly, all of this is wrong. Just because we have hit a wall does not mean we should go back to what has worked in the past. Clearly, coal isn’t the answer. To that end, we have to shift our focus elsewhere and invest in a new energy source, one that will provide us with an energy-efficient and sustainable future. You may be thinking of wind and solar right now.

However, if Europe really hopes to reduce its reliance on Russia and fossil fuels in general, solar and wind energy won’t be enough at all. As amazing and promising as all this sounds, it is hard to have faith in solar and wind power due to their countless drawbacks. Even though solar and wind energy have been around for a long time, they still have many downsides.

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Although solar and wind energy themselves are free, the cost of collecting, converting, and storing the energy can be high initially. The installation process and initial setup require paying for solar panels and wind turbines, inverters, batteries, wiring, etc. Also, they take up a lot of space, and the way they make energy is heavily affected by environmental factors.

Thankfully, an alternative energy source already exists; a new player that has already conquered all of the obstacles that other renewable energy sources are presented with; a pure energy source that will change the course of human evolution. No more time can be wasted on either the health of future generations or the preservation of our natural resources and environment. It is time to put into practice the most current findings in scientific research! Neutrinovoltaic technology presents opportunities in the field of energy generation that were not before conceivable. It’s one of the most promising methods to create electricity that’s both environmentally friendly and efficient.

The well-known Neutrino Energy Group is responsible for the development of this astounding breakthrough in the area of cutting-edge renewable technology, which is a true game-changer in the industry. For many years their principal goal has been to produce energy by capturing neutrinos and other kinds of non-visible radiation. The use of neutrinos and other kinds of non-visible radiation as a source of energy is, in many ways, comparable to the use of a photovoltaic. This is because both types of radiation have the ability to convert light into electricity. Instead of collecting neutrinos and other kinds of non-visible radiation, a portion of the energy contained in their kinetic energy is absorbed and then converted into electricity.

In terms of efficiency and dependability, neutrinovoltaics do not face the same obstacles as renewable energy sources. Neutrinos, for instance, are capable of traveling through virtually every known substance, meaning neutrinovoltaic cells do not require sunlight to function. They are suitable for use indoors, outdoors, and even underwater. Due to the ease with which neutrinovoltaic cells can be shielded while still generating electricity, this technology is unaffected by snow and other types of inclement weather, allowing them to generate power around the clock, 365 days a year, regardless of where they are located on the planet.

Thanks to the work of the Neutrino Energy Group and its amazing Neutrinovoltaic Technology, mankind now has a long-awaited and dependable answer to the present energy issue. More significant improvements will occur as a result of their efforts, and perhaps others will follow in their footsteps, and we will live in a better and more ecologically friendly world in the years to come.

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